New Zealand Law Society - Highest conviction rate for driving offences in 2018

Highest conviction rate for driving offences in 2018

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences had the highest rate of conviction in 2018, with 91.7% of all such offences resulting in conviction when prosecuted to an outcome in 2018.

Statistics New Zealand has released adult criminal conviction and sentencing statistics for the 2018 calendar year from data provided by the Ministry of Justice.

The information shows that 76.1% of the 208,356 cases in District and High Courts where adults were prosecuted had an outcome resulting in a conviction.

A further 3.7% of charges were “other proved” but not recorded as convictions – these included where Police offered diversion or the person was discharged without conviction under section 105 of the Sentencing Act 2002. Most of the rest – 19.8% -  were “not proved”. This includes where the person was acquitted or discharged or where the charge was dismissed or withdrawn. A very small proportion of cases - 0.4% - (“other”) resulted in a stay of proceeding, the person being found unfit to stand trial or acquitted on account of insanity.

Sexual assault and related offences had the lowest proportion of outcomes resulting in a conviction, with just over half - 51.5% - resulting in a conviction and 46.5% not proved.

Outcomes for categories of adult offences prosecuted to a conclusion in 2018

Category Outcomes Convicted Other Proved Not Proved
Traffic & vehicle regulatory 39,280 91.7% 1.5% 6.7%
Theft & related offences 21,650 81.1% 3.2% 15.4%
Offences against justice, government security 42,564 80.9% 1.1% 17.9%
Dangerous or negligent acts 11,927 78.6% 10.6% 10.6%
Property damage, environmental pollution 7,877 72.7% 9.7% 16.8%
Unlawful entry with intent/burglary 4,939 72.5% 2.4% 24.5%
Public order offences 6,990 72.4% 5.5% 21.2%
Illicit drug offences 15,220 69.2% 3.4% 27.4%
Robbery, extortion 1,256 67.8% 0.6% 30.9%
Fraud, deception and related 13,451 65.4% 2.8% 31.4%
Prohibited & regulated weapons/explosives 5,340 64.9% 3.4% 31.2%
Abduction, harassment 5,313 64.9% 4.5% 29.7%
Homicide 223 64.6% 3.1% 29.1%
Acts intended to cause injury 23,295 63.4% 8.4% 27.5%
Miscellaneous offences 3,669 56.3% 6.1% 37.4%
Sexual assault & related offences 5,362 51.5% 0.5% 46.5%
Total 2018 208,356 76.1% 3.7% 19.8%