Auckland University legal academic Amokura Kawharu has been appointed the next President of the Law Commission.
Associate Professor Kawharu will take up her new appointment on 11 May 2020.
Associate Professor Kawharu, whose iwi affiliations are Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Whātua, holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Law degrees (with Honours) from Auckland University and a Masters of Laws (1st Class) with a major in international law from the University of Cambridge. She became member of the Auckland Law School academic staff in 2005 after working for several years in private commercial law practice in Auckland and in Sydney.
“Amokura Kawharu has the ability to lead an innovative and forward-looking approach to the law reform process, and brings extensive networks throughout Māoridom and academic circles that can assist in how the Commission addresses its responsibilities regarding te ao Māori,” says Justice Minister Andrew Little.
Associate Professor Kawharu’s research interests include international trade and investment law, arbitration, and international disputes resolution. She contributes reviews on disputes settlement for the New Zealand Law Review and co-authored the leading text on New Zealand arbitration law with David Williams QC, Williams & Kawharu on Arbitration.
“I would also like to acknowledge the stewardship of the Commission’s Deputy President Helen McQueen who has led the Commission for the last six months while a new President was being recruited,” Mr Little says.
The principal functions of the Law Commission are to take and keep under review in a systematic way the law of New Zealand, and to make recommendations for the reform and development of the law of New Zealand.