The latest revision of the Court of Trial Protocol will come into force on 29 May 2017.
The Protocol lists the classes of offence for which a High Court decision is required as to the court in which the defendant will be tried. It is established pursuant to section 66 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2011 by the Chief Judges of the High and District Courts.
The 2017 Court of Trial Protocol makes the following changes to class 1 of the 2016 Protocol:
Two Crimes Act 1961 corruption offences are added: section 105E and section 105F.
Seven Secret Commissions Act 1910 corruption offences are added: sections 3 to 9 inclusive.
Section 377 of the Companies Act 1993 is added to replace a similar provision about false statements in the repealed Financial Reporting Act 1993.
Offences under the repealed Securities Act 1978 and Securities Markets Act 1988 are removed.