New Zealand Law Society - BSA dismisses claim National Party election ad was misleading

BSA dismisses claim National Party election ad was misleading

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has not upheld a complaint that a National Party election campaign advertisement was misleading.

The Authority found that the TV ad did not breach the Election Programmes Code as it was clearly a political party advertisement advocating for the party and would not have misled viewers.

The clip featured a group of sprightly joggers dressed in blue running through New Zealand landscapes. As they did so they passed another group of four wearing red, green and black shirts – a clear nod at the Labour, Green and New Zealand First parties –  with their legs tied together and struggling.

The complaint claimed the ad was misleading on the grounds it implied that National was only a single party in Government. The BSA says the ad was clearly promoting a party vote for National and viewers understand that election broadcasts by their nature are authorial advocacy and designed to promote the party’s vision.

Therefore, the Authority did not consider viewers would have been misled. The BSA also emphasised the importance and value of political expression, particularly in the lead up to a general election.