New Zealand Law Society - Details of 2018-2020 revision bill programme released

Details of 2018-2020 revision bill programme released

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Attorney-General David Parker has presented the Revision Bills Programme 2018-2020 to Parliament.

The programme lists Revision Bills. Section 30 of the Legislation Act 2012 requires the Attorney-General to draft a three-year revision programme for each new Parliament. The Chief Parliamentary Counsel is required to prepare revision bills in accordance with the programme.

The purpose of the programme is to systematically revise the presentation of some New Zealand statutes to make them more accessible. After being revised, they are introduced as revision Bills into Parliament for re-enactment. The Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 was the first bill under the 2015 to 2017 programme to be drafted and enacted.

Section 31 states that a revision Bill must not change the effect of the law, but may make minor amendments to fix small errors or to clarify Parliament's intent.

The latest draft programme proposes revision bills in areas which include employment law, energy regulation, overseas investment, Parliament and partnerships.

The programme states that revisions which are expected to be enacted during the three-year period are the Civil Liability Legislation Bill, Energy Bill, Land Valuation Proceedings Bill, Parliament Bill and Partnerships Bill.

Revision Bill Programme 2018 to 2020

Revision Bills Acts proposed for revision Enactment
Bills of Exchange Bill Bills of Exchange Act 1908  
  Cheques Act 1960  
Civil Liability Legislation Bill Law Reform Act 1936 Y
  Law Reform Act 1944  
Electoral Bill Electoral Act 1993  
Employment Law Bill Employment Relations Act 2000  
  Equal Pay Act 1972  
  Minimum Wage Act 1983  
  Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987  
  Shop Trading Hours Act 1990  
  Trade Unions Act 1908  
  Volunteers Employment Protection Act 1973  
Energy Bill Atomic Energy Act 1945 Y
  Electricity Act 1992  
  Energy Companies Act 1992  
  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000  
  Energy (Fuels, Levies, and References) Act 1989  
  Gas Act 1992  
  Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981  
Land Valuation Proceedings Bill Land Valuation Proceedings Act 1948 Y
Overseas Investment Bill Overseas Investment Act 2005  
Parliament Bill Clerk of the House of Representatives Act 1988 Y
  Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013  
  Parliamentary Privilege Acvt 2014  
  Parliamentary Service Act 2000  
Partnerships Bill Partnership Act 1908 Y
Summary Proceedings Bill Summary Proceedings Act 1957