Associate Health Minister Peseta Sam Lotu-liga has released draft regulations and a consultation document which has the objective of standardising the look of cigarette packets.
These propose that mandatory health warnings will cover at least 75% of the front of the packs and all tobacco imagery will be removed. Brand names will be allowed but regulations will standardise how and where the printing is.
The consultation document gives an overview of the exposure draft regulations, raises a number of consultation issues, and poses specific questions for people who want to prepare submissions.
The draft regulations are set out in four parts:
- Part 1 sets out general requirements that will apply to all tobacco products (subpart 1) and all tobacco packages (subpart 2) respectively.
- Part 2 contains provisions that apply only to cigarettes, cigarette packs and cigarette cartons.
- Part 3 relates to loose tobacco packaging.
- Part 4 covers packaging for cigars.
The regulations will be made under the Smokefree Environments (Tobacco Plain Packaging) Amendment Bill which is awaiting its second reading before Parliament, but which is expected to be passed this year.
The consultation period will end on 29 July 2016 and Mr Lotu-liga says a paper will be taken to Cabinet later this year.