New Zealand Law Society - Free Māori language poster for legal profession

Free Māori language poster for legal profession

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Auckland firm Kaupare Law and Consultancy has announced the launch of a free Māori language poster designed specifically for the legal profession.

As part of a plan to implement Reo Māori language initiatives within the law, Te Reo Māori i te ao Ture poster provides simple office and court phrases that can be used in the law environment and provides an easy reference point that would be great in highly visible places; like elevators and office walls.

“These posters are just the beginning of a range of initiatives that we believe will start to make a huge impact within thre legal profession,” says Alana Thomas, a Director at Kaupare.

“By making this a free kaupapa, it takes away any barriers that firms or offices may have to supporting this Project and, ultimately, make te reo Māori visible within the law.”

To get one of these posters (remember they’re free), contact Alana Thomas at