The Government has tabled its response to the Law Commission's Report on Modernising New Zealand's Extradition and Mutual Assistance Laws.
The Law Commission report was presented on 10 February 2016. It recommended replacing the Extradition Act 1999 and the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1992 with "more modern, simplified" legislation.
The Government response says it agrees with the conclusion that new legislation should be considered for enactment, and accepts the recommendations "to consider" enactment of the draft legislation in the Law Commission report.
However, the Government says further work is needed to finalise the detail of the proposed new legislation.
"The recommended changes involve relatively complex matters, many of which carry uncertain costs and benefits which will require consultation with stakeholders and regulatory impact analysis," it says.
The Government says it has directed the Ministry of Justice to analyse "the remaining Law Commission's more detailed recommendations" and to report back.
It says this work will take considerable project resources "and the timing for the report back will need to be balanced alongside other competing Government priorities".