Police Minister Judith Collins says the eight agencies involved in the New Zealand Gang Intelligence Centrewill be undertaking a public consultation on an information sharing agreement.
The Gang Intelligence Centre was launched in March 2016. It provides an intelligence-led response to gangs bringing together information held by Police, Corrections, Internal Affairs, Housing NZ, MBIE, MSD, and Customs. An information sharing agreement will also allow Inland Revenue to share information to the Centre.
“The information is being used in two ways – to disrupt and dismantle illegal gang activities and to identify and offer support to members and associates who want out, both for themselves and their children,” Ms Collins says.
“The Centre has been in place for around eight months and most of the agencies involved already share information on a case-by-case basis. But an information sharing agreement would mean the information can be shared more freely and efficiently.”
The agencies propose to use an Approved Information Sharing Agreement to enable them to share information with the Centre.
A proposed information sharing agreement has been drafted by the agencies involved and, in line with the provisions under the Privacy Act to draft an agreement, the proposal will now be consulted on.
The period for public consultation will be between 14 November and 23 December 2016. Members of the public can visit www.govt.nz/information-sharing for more information.
After the consultation period, submissions will be considered and the Government will be asked to consider a final information sharing agreement, expected to be by April 2017.
Ms Collins says the consideration will be followed by an Order in Council process which should result in the agreement coming into effect before September 2017.