A section 70(1(f) Health Act 1956 Order issued by the Director-General of Health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, came into force at 6:00pm on 3 April 2020 and expires at 11:59pm on 22 April 2020 unless earlier revoked or extended.
The order, under section 70(1)(f) of the Act, was issued by Dr Bloomfield exercising the functions of a Medical Officer of Health for all districts of New Zealand.
It provides details of what is permitted or expected under Level Four. This includes specification of what is permitted as essential personal movement. This includes accessing essential businesses, providing essential businesses, limited recreation purposes, shared bubble arrangements, emergencies, court orders, etc, and authorised travel. Details are provided for each of these.
The order also states that under section 71A of the Act, constables are requested "to do anything reasonably necessary to assist in ensuring compliance with this order".