Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) has released its second quarterly report on property transfers and tax residency.
The latest report, for the period from 1 April to 30 June 2016, is a summary of the information provided on tax statements for the purchase, sale or transfer of property.
The report for the June 2016 quarter shows that 3% of transfers involved overseas tax resident buyers and 3% involved overseas tax resident sellers, with 5% of Auckland transfers involving overseas tax resident buyers.
Of the transfers where at least one of the property buyers provided an overseas tax residency, 32% were tax residents of China, 22% were tax residents of Australia and 12% were of mixed tax residency, including New Zealand (at least one of the buyers has New Zealand tax residency).
Of the 57,678 property transfers registered with LINZ in the June 2016 quarter, in 34,512 (60%) the property buyers provided only a New Zealand tax registry.
Of the remaining transfers, 37% did not need to provide tax information because it involved the main home or for other reasons.
LINZ notes that while the data contains tax residency information, it is not the same as nationality and the data is not a register of foreign ownership of residential or other property.
It says the data shows property transfers, which include buying and selling property, but also property that is transferred without a sale - such as changes of trustee.