Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) is working to deliver the Final (Implementation) Case for the Advanced Survey and Title Services project (ASaTs) and associated advice to support a Cabinet paper in March or April 2018.
ASaTS is a project to replace the survey and title system, Landonline, maximising the use of new technology to provide an improved experience for users. The current technology platform for Landonline is reaching the end of its life, LINZ says in the Briefing to the Incoming Minister (BIM) for Land Information.
ASaTs will be delivered in phases and LINZ expects it to be operational by 2021.
Until its implementation, LINZ will maintain and manage Landonline at current standards.
LINZ received Cabinet approval to go to market in April 2016. The body has selected a preferred supplier for the pre-contract work.
“ASaTs, once implemented, will significantly improve the quality and range of survey and title services that we provide to our customers,” the Briefing says.
“Moving to the next technology will improve availability and reliability. It will also provide the ability to more easily make changes to meet evolving customer needs.
“ASaTs will also position LINZ to deliver wider benefits to government and New Zealand through this enhanced digital capability.”