Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) says it will stop its funding contribution to Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand (CCANZ) from the end of 2016.
Chief Executive Peter Mersi says CCANZ's work now extends beyond the scope and needs of LINZ's core stakeholders.
He says CCANZ played a valuable role in developing Creative Commons licensing in New Zealand.
"I'd like to thank CCANZ for its work, which has been invaluable to the LINZ-led development of the New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework. That framework standardises the licensing of government copyright works for re-use under Creative Commons," Mr Mersi says.
CCANZ Advisory Panel Chair Fabiana Kubke says her organisation looks forward to working with LINZ and other government agencies to find new funding to meet the broad remit it fulfils as Creative Commons New Zealand affiliate.
"The numerous examples of innovative re-use of government's copyright works over the last six years affirms the government's foresight in adopting the Creative Commons suite of licences in 2010," she says.