Alert Level 3 will allow many more businesses to resume, such as construction, manufacturing and more primary industries, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Innovation (MBIE) has announced.
Retail and takeaway food services will be able to operate as long as there is no physical contact with customers.
MBIE’s announcement states that workplaces can open under Alert Level 3 if;
- Workers cannot work from home, and
- Workplaces are operating safely (including meeting public health guidance and other health and safety obligations), and
- Customers are not allowed on premises, and
- They can trade without contact with the public.
The risks COVID-19 face to all of New Zealand still exist, and therefore restrictions to day-to-day lives will continue.
Businesses that can’t operate without physical contact with customers must remain closed.
Businesses whose employees are able to continue working from home must do so. Some examples listed include home cleaners, tourist attractions, entertainment venues, hairdressers and dine-in services.
The government has announced the transition to Alert Level 3 will occur at 11.59pm on Monday 27 April.