New Zealand Law Society - New Zealand Law Society Library Update

New Zealand Law Society Library Update

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Under Alert Level 2, the New Zealand Law Society Library has re-opened.

The Auckland, Wellington and Canterbury libraries are open to members 9.30am- 3pm this week, but will open from 9am- 4.30pm, Monday to Friday from Monday 25 May. There will be no after-hours access to the libraries until further notice. Entry is by card access only. This will provide the Librarian with an accurate record of who has used the Library in case contact tracing needs to take place. If you do not have an access card and wish to apply for one, you can use the application form here.

Lawyers rooms/libraries which are situated in courthouses are accessible during the opening hours of the court. The Hamilton Branch library (which is in the branch office building) can be accessed with a door code from 7am-5.30pm. Please fill in the contact tracing sheet. Contact the branch on 07 8383 0264 if you require the code.

Hand sanitiser and wipes are supplied and lawyers are responsible for wiping down the keyboards and monitors.

Please contact us with any research or document delivery requests at, or or submit a request via our website.