New Zealand Law Society - Ngāti Hinerangi Settlement Bill introduced

Ngāti Hinerangi Settlement Bill introduced

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The Ngāti Hinerangi Claims Settlement Bill was introduced on 9 September 2019. The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, Andrew Little, is in charge of the bill.

The bill gives effect to certain matters contained in the deed of settlement signed on 4 May 2019 between the Crown and Ngāti Hinerangi. The deed will be the final settlement of all the historical Treaty of Waitangi claims of Ngāti Hinerangi resulting from acts or omissions by the Crown before 21 September 1992.

The bill contains provisions that require legislation for their implementation and other aspects of the settlement are provided for only in the deed.

Part 1 provides for preliminary matters, acknowledgements (clause 9) and the apology given by the Crown to Ngāti Hinerangi in the deed of settlement (clause 10) and the historical account of the claim (clause 8).

Clause 15 settles the historical claims and provides that the settlement is final.

Part 2 sets out the cultural redress for Ngāti Hinerangi, and includes protocols (subpart 1, clauses 21 to 26), the statutory acknowledgement, the geothermal statutory acknowledgement, deeds of recognition (subpart 2, clauses 27 to 47), overlay classification (subpart 3, clauses 48 to 62), advisory committee (subpart 4, clause 63) and vesting of cultural redress properties (subpart 5, clauses 64 to 96).

Part 3 sets out the financial and commercial redress for  Ngāti Hinerangi and includes the transfer of commercial redress properties (subpart 1, clauses 98 to 105), redress over Crown forest licensed land (subpart 2, clauses 106 to 111), access to protected sites (subpart 3, clauses 109 to 111) and rights of first refusal (RFR) in relation to RFR land (subpart 3, clauses 112 to 141).

The Act comes into force on the day after it receives the Royal assent.