New Zealand Law Society - Night shelter in Auckland needs $2.5 million before it can open

Night shelter in Auckland needs $2.5 million before it can open

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

A new night shelter for homeless people in Auckland needs $2,500,000 before it can open in 2020.

Today is World Homeless Day.

Auckland barrister Jo Wickliffe is driving the project. A trust called The NEST (Night Emergency Shelter Trust) was formed in February 2019 and a ‘Givealittle’ where people can contribute with donations.

The Trust wants to secure a three-storey building for the night shelter on Nelson Street in the central business district.

Ms Wickliffe says it expects to have the ground floor open by January or February 2020, which will house both men and women until the first floor is open for women only.

“The $2,500,000 is needed to run the facility over two years, including employing staff and security,” she says

Ms Wickliffe says the Trust has had the support of pro-bono work from many lawyers. She says they do need help from another resource management specialist.

She can be contacted at