The inaugural issue of the New Zealand Women's Law Journal - Te Aho Kawe Kaupapa Ture a ngā Wāhine is now available after its launch in Wellington on 27 November.
The launch was held at the Wellington office of Russell McVeagh. Partner Mei Fern Johnson expressed the firm's enthusiastic support for the new journal.
The first gender-focused legal periodical in New Zealand, the Women's Law Journal covers a variety of subjects, including women's role in tikanga, discussion on whether a female partner quota should be introduced into law firms, a call for abortion law reform, and notes about legislation and recent cases of interest.
The journal contains articles by 20 different authors, including Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias, Deputy Chief Māori Land Court Judge Caren Fox, New Zealand Law Society President Kathryn Beck, and Lady Deborah Chambers QC.
A foreword by Justice Susan Glazebrook says the range of articles indicates a commitment to using multiple voices and experiences to explore the position of women in the legal profession.
The co-editors, Ana Lenard and Allanah Colley, had the idea for the journal in August 2016 during their final year at Auckland University law school. The pair saw the need for an outlet where gender issues could be discussed, and ideas published, which might have an impact on the creation and interpretation of law, and women's experiences in the legal profession.
"It has been spectacular and humbling to see how many people care about the Journal's goals," co-editor Ana Lenard said at the launch.
Law Society President Kathryn Beck says the Law Society has prioritised the advancement and retention of women in law and the journal and its stated aims and goals complements the Law Society's initiatives.
The Journal has 18 editors, three business staff, seven Advisory Board members, and 14 Academic Review Board members, plus several article peer reviewers. It will be published annually.
The New Zealand Women's Law Journal - Te Aho Kawe Kaupapa Ture a ngā Wāhine is available in hardcopy and is free online at Submissions for the 2018 edition are due by 1 April 2018.