Children's Minister Tracey Martin has introduced the Oranga Tamariki Legislation Bill to Parliament.
The omnibus bill fixes drafting errors in the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (Oranga Tamariki) Legislation Act 2017 and ensures that the benefits of the policy of including 17-year-olds in the youth justice jurisdiction are fully realised.
The inclusion of 17-year-olds in the youth justice jurisdiction will take effect on 1 July 2019 and the bill amends legislation to ensure that the extended jursidiction is applied consistently across the justice system.
The drafting errors in the 2017 Act include unintentionally broad provisions relating to interim court orders. The bill also fixes a cross-referencing error in the Children's Commissioner Act 2003.
The remedial measures in the bill must be enacted before 1 July 2019 to ensure that the amendments made by the 2017 Act are consistent with policy intent.
The bill amends the following legislation:
Oranga Tamariki Act 1989;
Bail Act 2000;
Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (Oranga Tamariki) Legislation Act 2017;
Children’s Commissioner Act 2003;
Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Act 1995;
Criminal Procedure Act 2011;
Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims Act 2005;
Returning Offenders (Management and Information) Act 2015;
Sentencing Act 2002;
Victims’ Orders Against Violent Offenders Act 2014;
Victims’ Rights Act 2002;
Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Regulations 2004.