The twelve new Queen's Counsel will be called to the inner bar in four ceremonies during August.
Lawyers who want to attend should wear full ceremonial dress (wigs and gowns) and Queen's Counsel are asked to advise the New Zealand Bar Association if they will be attending, and which of the Auckland ceremonies they will attend.
Details supplied by the Courts of New Zealand are:
Ceremony Number 1, Wellington, Old High Court, Stout Street, 4pm, Thursday, 11 August 2016
John Prebble
Ken Johnston
Victoria Casey
Una Jagose
Ceremony Number 2, Auckland, No 1 High Court, 11am, Friday, 19 August 2016
Derek Nolan
Aaron Perkins
Kieran Raftery
David Bigio
Ceremony Number 3, Auckland, No 1 High Court, 2:15pm, Friday, 19 August 2016
Jane Anderson
Marc Corlett
Vanessa Bruton
Ceremony Number 4, Christchurch High Court, 2pm, Friday, 26 August 2016
Richard Raymond