State Services Commissioner Iain Rennie has acknowledged the contribution that Solicitor-General Mike Heron has made to the Public Service over the past three years.
Mr Heron is stepping down from his position in the early part of 2016, once the new Solicitor-General has been appointed, so that he can base himself in Auckland where his family live, Mr Rennie says.
"I have had the privilege to work with Mike Heron on a number of issues. I have also been impressed by the quality of his legal advice, his ability to identify pragmatic solutions to complex problems and his strong commitment to serve the people of New Zealand and the government of the day.
"Mike has been an effective steward as Chief Executive of the Crown Law Office. He has successfully developed Crown Law as an effective public sector organisation. His leadership of the Government Legal Network has connected the legal profession to a much greater extent than in the past, to the benefit of legal professionals within the Public Service and the departments they serve.
"As Mr Heron is an outstanding public servant, I am hopeful that he will be able to return to a senior role in the Public Service in the future."
The State Services Commissioner manages the appointment process for the position of the Solicitor-General, on behalf of the Attorney-General.