New Zealand Law Society - Three senior appointments at Crown Law Office

Three senior appointments at Crown Law Office

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Crown Law has appointed three new senior roles in the Crown Legal Risk Group. 

Jeremy Prebble has been appointed a team manager in public law. He will manage one of the three public law teams in the Crown Legal Risk Group, advising and representing departments and Ministers across a range of administrative law issues. 

Jeremy worked in environmental law at Chapman Tripp and at a UK firm before working at the Department of Conservation for five years.  He joined Crown Law in 2010. 

Sally McKechnie has also been appointed a team manager of a public law team. This team will be principally responsible for clients in the growth and regulatory sector including business, immigration, housing, employment, internal affairs and defence. 

Sally began her career at Kensington Swan before attending Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, gaining a BCL (Distinction) and an MPhil.  Returning to New Zealand in late 2003, Sally joined Crown Law. 

Jessica Gorman has been appointed a Senior Crown Counsel ‒ Public Law. Jessica joined Crown Law in 2008 and since July 2013 she has been Team Manager Revenue. 

Jessica has an LLM from Harvard and is co-author of McGechan on Procedure, with a particular focus on judicial review.