New Zealand Law Society - Reminder of new accretion and erosion guidelines

Reminder of new accretion and erosion guidelines

This article is over 3 years old. More recent information on this subject may exist.

Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) has issued a reminder that in December 2019 the Registrar-General of Land published a new version of the accretion and erosion guideline LINZG20783.

The new guideline took effect on 13 December 2019. It explains how a registered landowner can apply to have their record of title altered to record a boundary change resulting from accretion or erosion.

LINZ says the changes to the guideline are "not material". It says key updates include:

  • structural and stylistic edits;
  • changes to terms and definitions;
  • additional guidance on how an affected person can object to an alteration, also reflected in the sample notice of intention to alter the register in Schedule 1;
  • inclusion of a recommended consent form in Schedule 3.