Te Puni Kōkiri has released a summary of the findings from the second series of wānanga held with Māori land owners earlier this year.
The purpose of the wānanga was to ensure Māori land owners co-design the Māori Land Service and that it is fit-for-purpose.
The proposed Māori Land Service will deliver a one-stop shop for Māori land owners; 18 months after Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill is enacted.
The Service will support Māori land owners to exercise greater autonomy over their land and support them with their kaitiaki roles both as land owners and land managers.
About 500 land owners and trustees attended 25 wānanga around the country to discuss the proposed Service in January and February. These wānanga followed a previous round of 26 wānanga in September and October 2016.
The Māori Land Service will provide an enhanced Māori land register; support for owner decision-making; a tikanga-based dispute resolution service, and advisory and development services to assist Māori land owners to use their land.