New Zealand Law Society - LawTalk issue 952

LawTalk issue 952

LawTalk issue 952

The final edition of LawTalk for 2022 explores the ‘New Normal’. No – not COVID-19, but the way in which the profession is tackling the challenges and opportunities of new technology, cultural and economic shifts in the workplace, the new expectations the profession are facing from the public as well as legal innovation across New Zealand and the world.

Snapshot of the Profession 2022

Adapting to the ‘New Normal’

Embracing our ‘New Normal’

Embracing our ‘New Normal’

New Law Society president Frazer Barton explores the ‘New Normal’ and how the profession is embracing change, opportunity and hope as we finish 2022 and look towards a busy 2023.
More certainty and fairness in workplaces

More certainty and fairness in workplaces

Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Michael Wood explores what the ‘New Normal’ in the workplace looks like, including some of the work the Government has done to address some key issues and to build workplaces that are fair, safe, and productive.
‘World View’ – Innovation – What could New Zealand adopt?

‘World View’ – Innovation – What could New Zealand adopt?

LawTalk takes a look around the globe at some of the innovations and changes being made to embrace the ‘New Normal’ and what law firms and organisations across the world are doing to make themselves fit for the 21st century.
Developments in Legal Aid Services over the past two years

Developments in Legal Aid Services over the past two years

Legal Services Commissioner Tracey Baguley updates us on the work her and the Legal Aid Services team have done this year, including their work to improve access to justice through the legal aid system.

Continuing to adapt and innovate

Andrew King shares with LawTalk some of the most impressive innovations in the legal profession over the last year, and poses the question of how we can ‘do better’ and serve the public in ways which are more accessible and understandable.

Law Reform and Advocacy – the year in review

Our busy law reform and advocacy team have had a big year, and take us through some of the highlights of their notable achievements of 2022.

New Landonline: Dealings application goes live in November

Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand talks us through their work to modernise Landonline to ensure it remains world-class and that information about land in Aotearoa continues to be trusted and becomes more accessible.

Practising in the regions: A view from the scenic south

LawTalk speaks to two practitioners in Methven who have embraced the opportunities of the ‘New Normal’ and set up an innovative practice in the small South Island town.

Is your trust accounting system fit for purpose in 2022?

Is your trust accounting system fit for purpose in 2022? Our inspectorate team takes you through some of the things you should be looking out for to stay ahead of the pack when it comes to trust accounting.

In pursuit of plain English

Kristy McDonald KC shares her views on the Plain Language Act 2022 and whether it’s actually going to make a difference to how our public services communicate with us.