New Zealand Law Society - LawTalk issue 953

LawTalk issue 953

LawTalk issue 953

The March Edition of LawTalk focusses on our adaption to a changing world. Climate change has been a big focus for New Zealanders over the past few months, and LawTalk takes a look at the way the legal profession is bringing climate change to the fore.

Adapting to a changing world

Adapting to a changing world

Law Society President Frazer Barton shares reflections on adapting to a changing world and wishes the University of Otago all the best with their Law School’s 150th anniversary celebrations. He also summarises the background and main recommendations of the Independent Review, and the next steps.
Can lawyers save the planet?

Can lawyers save the planet?

World-renowned environmental academic, Professor Liz Fisher, takes LawTalk through the role and responsibility of the profession in the critical area of climate change. Against a background of unprecedented and tragic weather events in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the globe, she shares unique insights into what practitioners can do to…
Can we offset our way to a cooler, cleaner future?

Can we offset our way to a cooler, cleaner future?

LawTalk investigates CarbonClick founder and CEO Dave Rouse’s mission to make sure organisations around the world are using a suite of tools toward creating a carbon zero future, a journey which has earned him a seat at the global climate change table.
The power of partnerships

The power of partnerships

Christchurch-based Anderson Lloyd Chief Executive Officer Richard Greenaway shares how partnerships have lightened the firm’s footprint while contributing to local and broader Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance outcomes. 
Ka mua, ka muri: Celebrating 150 years of Law at the University of Otago

Ka mua, ka muri: Celebrating 150 years of Law at the University of Otago

Aotearoa New Zealand’s oldest law school celebrates its 150th anniversary in April. LawTalk speaks with the University of Otago about the upcoming celebrations and the impact the law school has had on shaping the past and future of the legal profession.

Making a positive difference: tackling climate change in the profession

LawTalk pulls up a green seat next to three thought leaders and first-mover firms making a positive difference in how the profession tackles climate change issues in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Investing to build the world we want to live in

The Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation believe that “climate change is one of the most significant intergenerational risks we face, and our response to it poses a number of challenges and opportunities for lawyers,” and speak to LawTalk about how they are investing for a greener future.

‘Shoring up on insurance’: navigating the muddied waters of catastrophic climate events

Following a trifecta of catastrophic climate events across the North Island within the space of a month, practitioners are finding themselves navigating clients through a challenging and novel set of property issues. LawTalk speaks to the Property Law Section of the Law Society about how to deal with these ever-present…

Our low carbon future: one contract at a time

LawTalk gets the latest from New Zealand Green Investment Finance on how they are working to accelerate investment that supports Aotearoa New Zealand’s decarbonisation.