New Zealand Law Society - Frazer Barton returning as President of the Law Society

Frazer Barton returning as President of the Law Society

Frazer Barton is returning to the role of President of the New Zealand Law Society Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa.

Mr Barton has been on leave of absence since 26 July 2024, while two complaints relating to his previous governance role at Presbyterian Support Otago (PSO) were being considered. An independent Standards Committee inquired into the complaints about Mr Barton and has decided to take no further action on the complaints.

The Committee considered that Mr Barton’s conduct did not breach any specific rule or meet the definition of unsatisfactory conduct. A summary of the outcome of the complaints is available on the Law Society website.

Mr Barton will resume his position as President of the Law Society from Wednesday 5 February 2025. Mr Barton says “I look forward to continuing the Law Society’s valuable work.”

“I acknowledge the importance of the Royal Commission of Inquiry and the significance of its findings relating to the appalling abuse and neglect suffered by children in care,” Mr Barton said.

Vice President David Campbell says Mr Barton has the full support of the Law Society Board which has expressed its confidence in Mr Barton. “Frazer Barton brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, integrity and community service to his position. We back him to bring that valuable expertise to the role of Law Society President.”

“As a board we are fully focused on our important duties to consumers and the legal profession as a regulator, and also a membership body.”

The Law Society is unable to comment further on the details included in the summary. The Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 restricts publication of Standards Committee decisions and the process is confidential.