Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) says it has begun the procurement process to find a vendor for the Advanced Survey and Title Services (ASaTS) which will replace the current technology platform used for Landonline.
Minister for Land Information, Mark Mitchell.
ASaTS received Cabinet approval in 2016 and is due to be implemented in 2021. LINZ is taking an "as a service" approach, meaning it will select a vendor that can develop a suitable system that it can pay to use rather than paying a vendor to build a system that LINZ then owns.
This approach means no capital injection is required by LINZ.
In its Briefing to the Incoming Minister for Land Information, LINZ says it will provide the new Minister (Mark Mitchell) with further advice and a Cabinet paper on the viability of "as a service" in March 2017.
LINZ also says the "as a service" approach has the potential to be used across government to solve the capital constraints associated with major system replacement.
Details of the estimated value of the ASaTS project have been removed by LINZ from the briefing paper, citing the Official Information Act 1982.
Earlier information released by LINZ on ASaTS is available here.