New Zealand Law Society - Family lawyer stories

Family lawyer stories

Story One — My client's been murdered

Story One — My client's been murdered

In this story, a family lawyer talks through the traumatic experience dealing with the murder of a client.
Story Two — When you are the target

Story Two — When you are the target

A senior associate and experienced lawyer for child talks about her “annus horribilus”.
Story Three – When lawyer for child becomes the respondent

Story Three – When lawyer for child becomes the respondent

A Christchurch barrister and an experienced lawyer for child talks about the effects on him of dealing with a difficult self-representing parent as lawyer for child.
Story Four – When ill health strikes …. and strikes again

Story Four – When ill health strikes …. and strikes again

Val Farrow, an associate at McMillan and Co in Dunedin, shares her story of experiencing ill health for an extended period of time while trying to juggle a busy family law practice and parenthood.
Story Five – How can we support new family lawyers?

Story Five – How can we support new family lawyers?

A young practitioners discuss challenges they face as relatively new practitioners and Mania Hope, from our FLS executive, shares insights about her experiences.
Story Six – Benefits of supervision for family lawyers

Story Six – Benefits of supervision for family lawyers

An experienced Wellington family lawyer and Bev Hosking a professional supervisor talk about what is professional supervision and its benefits.
Story Seven - Why family law won over Shortland Street

Story Seven - Why family law won over Shortland Street

Blair Strang, North Shore barrister and former actor, talks about the benefits his acting career has brought to his practice but also the perils of being recognised.
Story Eight – Practising well techniques for a sustainable practice

Story Eight – Practising well techniques for a sustainable practice

During the end of year chaos in December 2023 four of our Family Law Section executive, Richard Smith (Invercargill), Paul Muller (South Auckland), Emily Stannard (Hawke’s Bay) and Colin Abernethy (Christchurch), met to compare notes on various practising well techniques they call on from time to time.