New Zealand Law Society - What is in LINX

What is in LINX

LINX contains headnotes for NZ cases and index entries for all major NZ, UK, Australian and Canadian law journals, details of contents and coverage are listed below.


Privy Council Decisions
Supreme Court Decisions 2004-
Court of Appeal Decisions 1984 -
High Court Decisions 1983 -

Family and Youth Court Decisions:
Selected; New Zealand wide, 1991 -
District Court Decisions 1993 -
Noteworthy reserved judgments and reported judgments

Commerce Commission decisions 1997 - 2005
Courts Martial Appeal Court decisions 1983 –
Employment Court and Employment Relations Authority (selected) 1999 -
Environment Court (selected) 1999 -
Health Practitioners' Disciplinary Tribunal 2003 -
Human Rights Review Tribunal (formerly the Complaints Review Tribunal) 1994 -
Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal 2009 -
Maori Appellate Court Decisions 1986 -
Medical Practitioners' Disciplinary Tribunal 1997 - 2003
New Zealand Law Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal (selected) 2000 - 2006
Sports Disputes Tribunal 2003 -
Weathertight Homes Resolution Service decisions 2003 -

Coverage of judgments

In building the LINX database, the New Zealand Law Society Library staff at Auckland, Wellington and Canterbury strive to obtain all judgments of the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court plus selected judgments from lower courts.

Most judgments are supplied directly to the Libraries by the courts and all of those are entered onto LINX as soon as possible unless suppression requirements or court orders prevent that. Others are requested from the court when sought by library users or if staff are otherwise alerted to their existence. In earlier years, judgments were less reliably obtained. There is no complete list of all proceedings in New Zealand courts and accordingly no way to check that all judgments have been received for adding to LINX.

Why search an index rather than the full text of the cases?

Searching full text cases successfully is difficult. The databases are huge and you have to be a proficient searcher to narrow down what you want. The judge may be eloquent but may never have thought about anyone searching his/her words and may never even mention the standard words you need to search on. It may be so obvious to the parties that the issue is "land law" that those crucial words never appear in the judgment, only the more specific ones relating to the case. The judgment won’t necessarily use the name the case later becomes commonly known by. An example of this is the "Winebox" litigation.

The headnoters and indexers work in a library where people are using LINX. They know users remember cases by popular names and want the legal concepts listed tidily so that they can find them. What you are searching is a much smaller document and much more manageable than the full text.


LINX indexes journal articles published in all major NZ, Australian and Canadian law journals since 1986. Following is a list of the journal series indexed for the LINX database:

Aboriginal Law Bulletin (see Indigenous Law Bulletin)
Accountants Journal (see Chartered Accountants Journal)
Adelaide Law Review
ALLG : Australian Law Librarians' Group Newsletter (see Australian Law Librarian)
Alternative Law Journal (continues Legal Service Bulletin)
Amicus Curiae
Auckland University Law Review
Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal (continues Australian Dispute Resolution Journal)
Australasian Gay & Lesbian Law Journal (continues Australian Gay & Lesbian Law Journal ; continued by Gay & Lesbian Law Journal)
Australia & New Zealand Journal of Law & Education
Australian & New Zealand Property Journal (continues New Zealand Property Journal)
Australian & New Zealand Sports Law Journal
Australian Bar Review
Australian Business Law Review
Australian Construction Law Newsletter
Australian Current Law Bulletin
Australian Dispute Resolution Journal (see Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal)
Australian Family Lawyer
Australian Gay & Lesbian Law Journal (continued by Australasian Gay & Lesbian Law Journal)
Australian Intellectual Property Journal (continues Intellectual Property Journal)
Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law (continues Trade Practices Law Journal)
Australian Journal of Corporate Law
Australian Law Journal
Australian Law Librarian (continues ALLG : Australian Law Librarians' Group Newsletter)
Australian Property Law Journal
Australian Tax Review
Bill of Rights Bulletin (see Butterworths Bill of Rights Bulletin)
Bond Law Review
Brief : Law Society of Western Australia
British Tax Review
Building & Construction Law
Bulletin : Law Society of South Australia (continues Law Society Bulletin)
Butterworths Bill of Rights Bulletin
Butterworths Conveyancing Bulletin (continued by Conveyancing Bulletin)
Butterworths Employment Law Bulletin (see Employment Law Bulletin)
Butterworths Family Law Journal (continues Family Law Bulletin ; continued by New Zealand Family Law Journal)
Butterworths Resource Management Bulletin (continued by Resource Management Bulletin)
Cambridge Law Journal
Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter/Bulletin (see Canadian Law Libraries)
Canadian Bar Review
Canadian Family Law Quarterly
Canadian Law Libraries (continues Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter/Bulletin ; continued by Canadian Law Library Review)
Canadian Law Library Review (continues Canadian Law Libraries)
Canterbury District Law Society Bulletin (see Canterbury Tales)
Canterbury Law Review
Canterbury Tales (continues Canterbury District Law Society Bulletin)
Carswell's Practice Cases
Chartered Accountants' Journal (continues Accountants' Journal)
Child & Family Law Quarterly (continues Journal of Child Law and Tolley's Journal of Child Law)
Children (Office of the Commissioner for Children)
Civil Justice Quarterly
Commonwealth Law Bulletin
Communications Law (Tottel's Communications Law. Continues Tolley's Communications Law)
Communique (merger of Compliance and Fair's Fair)
Company & Securities Law Bulletin
Company & Securities Law Journal
Company Lawyer
Competition & Consumer Law Journal
Competition Review
Compliance (merged with Fair's Fair to form Communique)
Computer & Telecommunications Law Review
Computer Law & Practice (see Tolley's Computer Law & Practice)
Computers & Law (UK)
Computers & Law (UK) (New Series)
Computers & Law : Journal for the Australian & New Zealand Societies for Computers & the Law
Construction Law Journal
Conveyancer & Property Lawyer
Conveyancer & Property Lawyer (New Series)
Conveyancing Bulletin (continues Butterworths Conveyancing Bulletin)
Council Brief
Criminal Law & Justice Weekly (continues Justice of the Peace and Local Government Law)
Criminal Law Journal
Criminal Law Quarterly
Criminal Law Review
Criminal Reports (3d)
Criminal Reports (4th)
Criminal Reports (5th)
Criminal Reports (6th)
Cur Adv Vult : Newsletter of the Otago District Law Society
Current Legal Problems
Current Taxation (see New Zealand Current Taxation)
Dispute Resolution Bulletin
EIPR : European Intellectual Property Review
Employment Law Bulletin (continues Industrial Law Bulletin)
Entertainment Law Review
Environmental Law Reporter (see New Zealand Environmental Law Reporter)
Estates, Trusts & Pensions Journal (continues Estates & Trusts Quarterly and Estates & Trusts Journal)
European Intellectual Property Review (see EIPR)
Fair's Fair (merged with Compliance to form Communique)
Family Advocate
Family Law
Family Law Bulletin (now Butterworths Family Law Journal)
Feminist Law Bulletin (discontinued)
Gay & Lesbian Law Journal (continues Australasian Gay & Lesbian Law Journal)
Gazette (continues Law Society's Gazette ; NB. No longer indexed from Vol 101 (2004) onwards)
Griffith Law Review
Harvard Law Review
Human Rights Law & Practice
Immigration Practitioners Bulletin
Indigenous Law Bulletin (continues Aboriginal Law Bulletin)
Industrial Law Bulletin (see Butterworths Employment Law Bulletin)
Industrial Law Journal
Intellectual Property Journal (see Australian Intellectual Property Journal)
Intellectual Property Law Review
International & Comparative Law Quarterly
International Bulletin of Law & Mental Health
International Business Lawyer
International Construction Law Review
International Legal Practitioner
IPBA Journal (Inter-Pacific Bar Association)
IRD Tax Information Bulletin
Journal of Banking & Finance Law & Practice
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (continues New Zealand Bioethics Journal)
Journal of Business Law
Journal of Child Law (see Child & Family Law Quarterly)
Journal of Commonwealth Criminal Law
Journal of Contract Law
Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation (continues Journal of International Banking Law)
Journal of Law & Information Science
Journal of Law & Medicine
Journal of Planning & Environment Law
Journal of the Auckland Medico-Legal Society
Justice of the Peace (see below)
Justice of the Peace & Local Government Law (continues Justice of the Peace)
Law Institute Journal
Law Journal (see New Law Journal)
Law Librarian (continued by Legal Information Management)
Law Library Journal
Law News (continues Northern Law News)
Law Office Management Journal
Law Quarterly Review
Law Society Bulletin (see Bulletin : Law Society of South Australia)
Law Society Journal
Law Society's Gazette (see Gazette)
Legal Action
Legal Information Management (continues Law Librarian)
Legal Information Management Reports
Legal Medical Quarterly
Legal Service Bulletin (see Alternative Law Journal)
LIJ (see Law Institute Journal)
Lloyd's Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly
Maori Law Review
Mazengarb's Industrial Law (see Industrial Law Bulletin)
Medical Law Review
Medicine Science & the Law
Medico-Legal Journal
Melanesian Law Journal
Melbourne University Law Review
Mental Health & the Law Bulletin (Discontinued)
MLAANZ Journal
Modern Law Review
Monash University Law Review
Native Title News
New Law Journal (continues Law Journal)
New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review
New Zealand Bioethics Journal (continues Otago Bioethics Report ; continued by Journal of Bioethical Inquiry)
New Zealand Business Bulletin
New Zealand Business Law Quarterly
New Zealand Current Taxation
New Zealand Environmental Law Reporter (discontinued)
New Zealand External Relations & Trade Record (see New Zealand Foreign Affairs & Trade Record)
New Zealand Family Law Journal (continues Butterworths Family Law Journal)
New Zealand Foreign Affairs &Trade Record (continues New Zealand External Relations & Trade
New Zealand Intellectual Property Journal
New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law
New Zealand Journal of Public & International Law
New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law & Policy
New Zealand Law Journal
New Zealand Law Librarian (continues New Zealand Law Librarians' Group Newsletter))
New Zealand Law Review (continues New Zealand Recent Law Review)
New Zealand Law Students' Journal
New Zealand Lawyer
New Zealand Property Journal (continues New Zealand Valuers Journal. Continued by Australian & New Zealand Property Journal)
New Zealand Recent Law Review (now New Zealand Law Review)
New Zealand Students' Law Journal
New Zealand Tax Planning Report
New Zealand Universities Law Review
New Zealand Valuers' Journal (continues New Zealand Valuers' Bulletin; New Zealand Valuer. Continued by New Zealand Property Journal)
New Zealand Yearbook of International Law
Newsletter : Bioethics Research Centre (continued by Otago Bioethics Report)
Northern Law News (replaces Northern Newsletter, Northern News, Northern News Review ; continued by Law News)
Otago Bioethics Report (continues Newsletter : Bioethics Research Centre ; continued by New Zealand Bioethics Journal)
Otago Law Review
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Palmer’s In Company (continued by Sweet & Maxwell's Company Law Newsletter)
PLC : Practical Law for Companies
Professional Negligence (see Tolley's Professional Negligence)
Property Bulletin (see Property Lawyer)
Property Lawyer (continues Property Bulletin)
Public Law
Public Law Review
Queensland Law Society Journal (absorbed by Proctor)
Queensland University of Technology Law Journal (continued by Queensland University of Technology Law & Justice Journal)
Queensland University of Technology Law & Justice Journal (continues Queensland University of Technology Law Journal)
Recent Law
Record (New Zealand Foreign Affairs & Trade)
Resource Management Bulletin (continues Butterworths Resource Management Bulletin)
Restitution Law Review
Revenue Law Journal
Right to Counsel Law Reporter (ceased publication 1994)
Scots Law Times
Solicitors' Journal
Sweet & Maxwell's Company Law Newsletter (continues in part Palmer's In Company)
Sydney Law Review
Te Manutukutuku
Terra Nova (discontinued)
Tolley’s Communications Law (continued by Communications Law)
Tolley's Computer Law & Practice (continues Computer Law & Practice)
Tolley’s Journal of Child Law (see Child & Family Law Quarterly)
Tolley's Professional Negligence (continues Professional Negligence; continued by Tottel's Journal of Professional Negligence)
Tort Law Review
Tottel’s Communications Law (continued by Communications Law)
Tottel's Journal of Professional Negligence (continues Tolley's Professional Negligence)
Trade Practices Law Journal (continued by Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law)
Trusts & Trustees
University of Auckland Business Review
University of New South Wales Law Journal
University of Queensland Law Journal
University of Tasmania Law Review
University of Western Australia Law Review
UTS Law Review
Victoria University of Wellington Law Review
Waikato Law Review : Taumauri
Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence
Youth Law Review (continues Youth Law Project Newsletter)