New Zealand Law Society - Auckland New Lawyers

Auckland New Lawyers

The New Zealand Law Society Auckland New Lawyers group is a section of the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Law Society. It was established to promote collegiality and networking as well as to provide members with a voice to the Auckland Branch Council and wider groups within the Law Society. The group is organised by a committee of representatives from the Auckland area and is administered by the Auckland Branch.

The group also fosters discussion of law reform matters and issues affecting the legal profession. It promotes information sharing through its regular ebulletins to members and monthly seminars by experts in various fields. Our events and other relevant news are updated frequently on our Facebook page.

Further objectives are:

  • To contribute to public discussion on matters relevant to young lawyers and law graduates;
  • To help build lasting relationships by amplifying the collegial character of the legal profession through opportunities for interaction;
  • To help further the interests and objectives of lawyers generally, in particular, members;
  • To promote the objectives of the New Zealand Law Society.