New Zealand Law Society - Assistance and support

Assistance and support

If you or someone else has been affected by bullying, discrimination, harassment or other forms of prohibited behaviour, there is support and help available.

Law Society options for support include:

If you require further assistance our complaints staff are available to talk you through the complaints process, phone 0800 261 801 or email The Law Society is unable to provide legal advice. 

LawCare: 0800 0800 28

The Law Society has a dedicated 0800 phone line (0800 0800 28) where members of the legal community can discuss sensitive matters with a Law Society staff member.

Law Care is a confidential point of contact for lawyers and law firm employees who have experienced, witnessed, or been affected by sexual assault, sexual harassment, or other unacceptable behaviour.

The Law Society staff who operate the phone line can offer callers a range of options and support services to assist in dealing with their concerns. They have received training focused on the needs of those who may use this service.

Other support

WorkSafe provides information on what you can expect from your employer once you bring your concerns to their attention.

The Humans Rights Commission has a specific guide on dealing with sexual harassment. The Commission also offers a free, confidential service for anyone enquiring or complaining about discrimination, racial or sexual harassment – call 0800 496 7877.

There are also other resources and organisations that provide assistance in relation to sexual harassment and assault: