Being able to appear as an advocate for any person before any New Zealand court or tribunal is one of the areas of work expressly reserved for New Zealand lawyers. As advocates, it is obviously important that lawyers observe the correct forms of address in their dealings with members of the judiciary. This Practice Briefing summarises the expected forms of judiciary address, both in the courtroom and in written communications.
By convention, judges of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court are referred to as Justice [surname]. Judges in the District Court are referred to as Judge [surname] or Chief Judge [surname] as appropriate.
If a judge is referred to without name, the appropriate reference is “the Judge”. It is not correct to refer to judges by their full names unless it is necessary as a point of distinction from another judge of the same surname.
Family Court Associates should be addressed as Your Honour, Sir or Ma'am.
When you refer to a judge in court, don’t speak of judges of the High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court as “Doe J” or “Judge Doe”.
If you meet a member of the judiciary socially, it is usual to address them as “Judge” (as in “pleased to meet you Judge”.)
In all the following, the use of Judges’ surnames in the salutation is optional.
Address on letters: The Rt Hon Dame Helen Winkelmann GNZM
Chief Justice
Chief Justice’s Chambers
DX SX10084
Salutation: Dear Chief Justice (or if personally known, Dear Dame Helen)
Address on letters: The Rt Hon Justice [surname] (if the Judge is a Privy Councillor)
If not:
The Hon Justice [surname]
Supreme Court of New Zealand
DX SX 11224
Salutation: Dear Judge
Address on letters: The Hon Justice Mark Cooper
President, Court of Appeal
DX SX 11223 or PO Box 1606
Wellington 6140.
Salutation: Dear Judge
Address on letters: The Hon Justice [surname]
Court of Appeal
DX SX11223 or PO Box 1606
Wellington 6140.
Salutation: Dear Judge
Address on letters: His/Her Hon Justice [surname]
The Chief High Court Judge
DX SX11199
Address on letters: The Hon Justice [surname]
[place] High Court
[postal address]
Salutation: Dear Judge
Address on letters: His/Her Hon Judge [surname]
Principal Family/Youth Court Judge
District Court
DX SX 11240
Salutation: Dear Principal Judge
Address on letters: His/Her Hon Judge [surname]
Chief ……. Court Judge
[postal address]
Salutation: Dear Chief Judge
Address on letters: His/Her Hon Judge [surname]
[place] District Court/Māori Land Court/Tribunal name
[postal address]
Salutation: Dear Judge