New Zealand Law Society - Immigration and Refugee Law Committee

Immigration and Refugee Law Committee

The Immigration and Refugee Law Committee monitors and makes recommendations on proposed legislative reforms relevant to immigration and refugee law. It also liaises with Immigration New Zealand and the Refugee Status Unit about issues relating to immigration and refugee policy and practice.

About us

The Immigration and Refugee Law Committee was established in 2010 to keep a watching brief on legislative reform and practice relating to immigration and refugee law.

Our people

Simon Graham is the committee convenor. Simon is a partner at Young Hunter Lawyers, and provides advice and representation with respect to all aspects of immigration litigation, including deportation appeals, refugee and protected person appeals, residence appeals, immigration fraud and High Court appeals.

The committee comprises experienced immigration and refugee law practitioners:

  • Mark Williams
  • Lucy Patchett
  • Lavinia Askin
  • Dhilum Nightingale
  • Rupert O'Brien
  • Jacob Baxter
  • Rabiah Khawaja

For queries relating to this committee, please email our Senior Law Reform & Advocacy Advisor, Nilu Ariyaratne:

For media enquiries, please contact

Terms of reference