New Zealand Law Society - Law reform submissions

Law reform submissions

One of the Law Society's most valued roles is to provide an informed and reasoned voice for lawyers and for the public on bills referred to select committee and discussion papers from government agencies and other bodies. Read below for our current and recent work.

Current work

Our Law Reform Committees are currently considering the following consultations:

MBIE consultation on the work health and safety regulatory system

The Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment is seeking feedback on a consultation paper about the purpose and performance of New Zealand’s work health and safety regulatory system (which includes the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, and supporting regulations and instruments). The Law Society’s Employment Law Committee and Criminal Law Committee will consider making a submission; to contribute comments, please email Nilu Ariyaratne.

Recent Submissions and Correspondence

Some of the Law Society’s recent submissions and correspondence on law reform issues are set out below. A full list of submissions and correspondence can be found under the archive section on this page.

Submissions Archive